Using AI mapping, indexing, and predictive analytics, FRDM risk ranks each supplier across five spectrums (weak to strong) in regards to environmental policy.
Using AI mapping, indexing, and predictive analytics, FRDM risk ranks each supplier across five spectrums (weak to strong) in regards to environmental policy. FRDM uses only your basic available vendor data (supplier name, industry, location, spend, and purchase) so you don’t have to overburden your team and suppliers with difficult data requests.
FRDM runs constant adverse media checks for any mentions of environmental issues or reports against supplier names. Suppliers are offered a free portal called
SUPPLIER LINK providing the supplier with resources and assessments to determine environmental policy maturity based on their country and industry. GHG reporting and certifications are collected through the
Supplier Link. All information provided by supplier is nested in their buyer's dashboard.